/** * User: hix * Date: 17-Feb-2025 * To provide single source of application title */ Ottawa Little Theatre - Production History

Error performing query:

SQL statement: SELECT p.Title, pr.Description, pr.Notes, p.PlayID FROM Play as p Join Production as pr ON p.PlayID = pr.PlayID WHERE pr.productionid=

Error performing query:

SQL statement: Select a.LastName, a.FirstName, pw.Notes, a.AuthorID From Author a Inner Join Playwright pw On pw.AuthorID = a.AuthorID Inner Join Production pr On pw.PlayID = pr.PlayID WHERE pr.productionid= ORDER BY pw.DisplayOrder

Error performing query:

SQL statement: Select date_format(p.StartDate, '%b %e'), date_format(p.EndDate, '%b %e'), s.SeasonNumber, p.productionid, Year(p.StartDate), Year(p.EndDate) From Production as p Join Season as s On p.SeasonID = s.SeasonID WHERE p.productionid = ORDER BY s.SeasonNumber, p.StartDate

Error performing query:

SQL statement: SELECT s.SeasonNumber, pr.PhotoFolder FROM Production as pr JOIN Season as s on pr.SeasonID = s.SeasonID WHERE pr.productionid=

Error performing query:

SQL statement: Select p.LastName, p.FirstName, c.Role, c.Notes, c.DisplayOrder, p.PersonID From Cast as c Join Person as p On c.PersonID = p.PersonID WHERE c.productionid = Order By c.DisplayOrder


Error performing query:

SQL statement: Select p.LastName, p.FirstName, ct.Description, p.PersonID, c.CrewTypeID, c.Notes From Person p Join Crew c On p.PersonID = c.PersonID Join CrewType ct On c.CrewTypeID = ct.CrewTypeID Where c.ProductionID = Order By ct.DisplayOrder

Production Team