/** * User: hix * Date: 17-Feb-2025 * To provide single source of application title */ Ottawa Little Theatre - Production History

Witness for the Prosecution
Agatha Christie

Season 109
Jul 13 to Jul 30, 2022

Postponed from Apr 22 to May 9, 2020, due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Click thumbnail image to view gallery of production photos by Christopher Rohde
Emily WalshGreta/Girl
Robert (Bob) HicksCarter/Judge
Gordon WallsMr. Mayhew
Ian GilliesLeonard Vole
Guy NewshamSir Wilfrid Robarts, QC
Paul WasherInspector Hearne
Heather ArchibaldRomaine
Andrew Michael McCarvilleMr. Myers, QC
Tracey BourkeDr. Wyatt
Victoria WindremJanet MacKenzie

Production Team
Geoffrey (Geoff) GrusonDirector
Michelle ShortallAssistant to the Director
Lindsay LavioletteAssociate Director
Kimberley DuncanStage Manager
Geoffrey (Geoff) GrusonSet Design
John SolmanLighting Design
Lindsay LavioletteSound Design
Nancy HoganCostume Design
Jane SadlerCostume Design
Jeanne GauthierProperties Design
Andrée BensonHair and Makeup Design
Jeanne GauthierSet Dressing
Albert LightstoneBook (Prompter)
Ricarda McFallsBook (Prompter)
Gil WinstanleyLighting Crew
Paul MatthewLighting Crew
Barry SimsLighting Crew
Larry DaviesLighting Crew
Teresa Seasons (Flomen)Lighting Crew
Jacky DuongSound Crew
Victoria WongSound Crew
Barbara MerriamProperties Crew
Bob McKellarProperties Crew
Monica GuberskyProperties Crew
Doug CowieProperties Crew
Lucille Le VertProperties Crew
Jeremie JavoskyProperties Crew
Jason FlattProperties Crew
Phoenix BakerProperties Crew
Carrie de GreefProperties Crew
Charlotte MooderProperties Crew
Alysia ReitanoProperties Crew
Janet UrenWardrobe Assistant
Kimberly (Kim) RonseWardrobe Assistant
Jeannine RichardWardrobe Assistant
Wanda SinclairWardrobe Assistant
Anne ErnesaksSeamstress
Tom PidgeonSet Construction Crew
David MagladrySet Construction Crew
Paul WasherSet Construction Crew
Carolyn BorerScenic Artist
Jane MorrisVolunteer Liaison
Kevin SchneiderFront of House Coordinator
Christopher RohdePhotography