/** * User: hix * Date: 17-Feb-2025 * To provide single source of application title */ Ottawa Little Theatre - Production History

The Columnist
David Auburn

Season 109
Jun 8 to Jun 25, 2022

Postponed from May 27 to June 13, 2020, due to Covid-10 pandemic

Click thumbnail image to view gallery of production photos by Christopher Rohde
Chris CottrellJoe Alsopappearing with support from the Canadian Actors' Equity Association
Alex HenkelmanYoung man (Alexei)/Philip
Paul WilliamsonStewart Alsop
Kirby NaftelSusan Mary Alsop
Rhea GraceAbigail
Kyle FournierHalberstam
Michael (Mike) Kennedyvoice overs

Production Team
Sarah HearnDirector
Ann ScholbergAssistant to the Director
Gil WinstanleyAssistant to the Director
Barbara MerriamStage Manager
Bob McKellarAssistant Stage Manager
Robin RiddihoughSet Design
David MagladryLighting Design
David IngSound Design
Glynis EllensCostume Design
Jennifer BarkleyProperties Design
Andrée BensonHair and Makeup Design
Johanne CloutierBook (Prompter)
Don DouglasLighting Crew
Barry SimsLighting Crew
Jim MantleLighting Crew
David (Dave) HoffmanLighting Crew
Ian SnelsonSound Crew
Barry SimsSound Crew
Alex WinstanSound Crew
Ben LangilleSound Crew
Michel CormierSound Crew
Rafael De Souza MaiaSound Crew
Miquelon DellerSound Crew
Ann ScholbergProperties Crew
Gil WinstanleyProperties Crew
Marlene SpatukProperties Crew
Harrison TrueProperties Crew
Elizabeth MunroProperties Crew
Caroline HeatonStage Crew
Michael (Mike) KennedyStage Crew
Amy KennedyStage Crew
Josh KempStage Crew
Nancy HoganWardrobe Assistant
Paul WasherWardrobe Assistant
Kimberly (Kim) RonseWardrobe Assistant
Jennifer MartinezWardrobe Assistant
Jeannine RichardWardrobe Assistant
Lu ChenWardrobe Assistant
Wanda SinclairWardrobe Assistant
Tom PidgeonSet Construction Crew
David MagladrySet Construction Crew
Robin RiddihoughScenic Artist
Carolyn BorerScenic Artist
Amy KennedyVolunteer Liaison
Kevin SchneiderFront of House Coordinator
Christopher RohdePhotography