/** * User: hix * Date: 17-Feb-2025 * To provide single source of application title */ Ottawa Little Theatre - Production History

Halfway There
Norm Foster

Season 110
Apr 5 to Apr 22, 2023

EODL 2023 Full-Length Play Festival entry

"Halfway There" was the OLT entry into the 2023 EODL Full-Length Spring Festival (travelling adjudication) winning awards for Best Production and Best Ensemble.

Click thumbnail image to view gallery of production photos by Maria Vartanova
Venetia LawlessRita
Teal CochraneVi
Linda WebsterMary Ellen
Kurt ShantzSean Merrit
Chelsey PrinceJanine Babineau
Kerry WrightLunch Rusher
Elise O'GradyLunch Rusher
Marlene SpatukLunch Rusher
Andrea SegalLunch Rusher
Allan MacLeodLunch Rusher
Yazen JaouniLunch Rusher
Christian GiansanteLunch Rusher
Albert LightstoneLunch Rusher
Gerard LalondeLunch Rusher

Production Team
Greg HancockDirector
Stewart GrenzowskiAssistant to the Director
Marlene SpatukAssistant to the Director
Chris RalphAssociate Director
Valerie (Val) BoganStage Manager
Kyle FournierStage Manager
Johanne CloutierProduction Assistant
David MagladrySet Design
Rob PuchyrLighting Design
Miquelon DellerSound Design
Isabella RedgateCostume Design
Jennifer BarkleyProperties Design
Tiara WallaceHair and Makeup Design
David MagladrySet Dressing
Jennifer BarkleySet Dressing
Johanne CloutierBook (Prompter)
Don DouglasLighting Crew
David MagladryLighting Crew
Paul MatthewLighting Crew
Larry DaviesLighting Crew
Charlie InglisLighting Crew
Elena KastritsaLighting Crew
Barry SimsSound Crew
Michel CormierSound Crew
Victoria WongSound Crew
Sophia MolnarSound Crew
Bob McKellarProperties Crew
Jeannine RichardProperties Crew
Sophie SinclairProperties Crew
Wanda SinclairProperties Crew
Roni BerryProperties Crew
Mo TaitProperties Crew
Barbara MerriamWardrobe Assistant
Kimberly (Kim) RonseWardrobe Assistant
Kelsey Grady-WillettWardrobe Assistant
Geoffrey (Geoff) GrusonSet Construction Crew
Tom PidgeonSet Construction Crew
David MagladrySet Construction Crew
Paul WasherSet Construction Crew
Carolyn BorerScenic Artist
Gil WinstanleyVolunteer Liaison
Kevin SchneiderFront of House Coordinator
Marlene SpatukMedia Relations
Robert (Bob) HicksVideo Promotional Trailer
Maria VartanovaPhotography