/** * User: hix * Date: 17-Feb-2025 * To provide single source of application title */ Ottawa Little Theatre - Production History

Grand Horizons
Beth Wohl

Season 111
Apr 3 to Apr 20, 2024

Click thumbnail image to view gallery of production photos by Maria Vartanova
Andrée BensonNancy
John SavardBill
Marlow StainfieldBrian
Christopher (Chris) TortiBen
Olivia Lee BrownJess
Heather BruceCarla
John MacraeTommy
Cathy NoblemanCarla (understudy)

Production Team
Chantale PlanteDirector
Tiara WallaceAssistant to the Director
Ian FraserStage Manager
David MagladrySet Design
David MagladryLighting Design
Bradford (Brad) MacKinlaySound Design
Guylaine RoyCostume Design
Alexandra LamarreProperties Design
Tiara WallaceHair and Makeup Design
Caroline HeatonBook (Prompter)
Michael (Mike) KellyLighting Crew
Rob PuchyrLighting Crew
Paul MatthewLighting Crew
Larry DaviesLighting Crew
Jim MantleLighting Crew
David (Dave) HoffmanLighting Crew
Bryan MorrisSound Crew
David (Dave) HoffmanSound Crew
Varsha SubramanianSound Crew
Brian ColemanSound Crew
Valerie LamarreProperties Crew
Kate JordanProperties Crew
Catherine (Cate) CoylesProperties Crew
Catra Eda PandragonneProperties Crew
Kabango Bamwene IsaacProperties Crew
Moira HendersonProperties Crew
Tina LeblancProperties Crew
Sylvie Roy-HotteWardrobe Assistant
Savannah ThiessenHair and Makeup Crew
Varsha SubramanianHair and Makeup Crew
Maella MatamHair and Makeup Crew
Tom PidgeonSet Construction Crew
David MagladrySet Construction Crew
Paul WasherSet Construction Crew
Carolyn BorerScenic Artist
Nancy HoganVolunteer Liaison
Kevin SchneiderFront of House Coordinator
Tiara WallaceMedia Relations
Marlow StainfieldMedia Relations
Ian GilliesVideo Promotional Trailer
Maria VartanovaPhotography