/** * User: hix * Date: 17-Feb-2025 * To provide single source of application title */ Ottawa Little Theatre - Production History

Stag and Doe
Mark Crawford

Season 111
May 8 to May 25, 2024

Click thumbnail image to view gallery of production photos by Maria Vartanova
Melissa RaftisMandy
Katie TorresanDee
Sarah McKayBonnie
Ian GilliesBrad
Steven DworkinRob
Garret LeeJay

Production Team
Greg HancockDirector
Ann ScholbergAssistant to the Director
Gil WinstanleyAssistant to the Director
Marlene SpatukAssistant to the Director
Barbara MerriamStage Manager
David MagladrySet Design
David MagladryLighting Design
Michel CormierSound Design
Ann Marie SnellCostume Design
Jennifer BarkleyProperties Design
Tiara WallaceHair and Makeup Design
Larry DaviesBook (Prompter)
Ian SnelsonSound Crew
Keith ColbourneSound Crew
David (Dave) HoffmanSound Crew
Michelle ChiassonSound Crew
Zeen LuoSound Crew
Lucille Le VertProperties Crew
Camille La RoseProperties Crew
Chelsey PrinceProperties Crew
Karine CharlandProperties Crew
Zsuzsanna EtesiProperties Crew
Owen DelageProperties Crew
Kimberly (Kim) RonseWardrobe Assistant
Liza WestwoodWardrobe Assistant
Ross DumontetWardrobe Assistant
Isabella RedgateWardrobe Assistant
Janelle BoucherWardrobe Assistant
Delaney HindsHair and Makeup Crew
Janelle BoucherHair and Makeup Crew
Rhowen SaumureHair and Makeup CrewJunior
Tom PidgeonSet Construction Crew
David MagladrySet Construction Crew
Paul WasherSet Construction Crew
Carolyn BorerScenic Artist
Nick PhilippeScenic Artist
Amy KennedyVolunteer Liaison
Kevin SchneiderFront of House Coordinator
Christian GiansanteMedia Relations
Christian GiansanteVideo Promotional Trailer
Maria VartanovaPhotography