/** * User: hix * Date: 17-Feb-2025 * To provide single source of application title */ Ottawa Little Theatre - Production History

An Act of Grace
John Muggleton

Season 111
Jun 12 to Jun 29, 2024

"An Act of Grace" was written by Ottawa Little Theatre actor, director and playwright John Muggleton.

The shorter one-act version of this play is being presented by OLT at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival in Scotland in August 2024.

The original one-act play was produced by OLT as its entry into the 2018 EODL (Eastern Ontario Drama League) One-Act Play Festival where it won multiple awards including Best Production (see Dec. 17, 2018 for details).

Click thumbnail image to view gallery of production photos by Maria Vartanova
Christian GiansanteTony
Kurt ShantzChuck
Venetia LawlessGrace
Heather ArchibaldJulie

Production Team
Lindsay LavioletteDirector
Michelle ShortallAssistant to the Director
Kimberley DuncanStage Manager
Karine CharlandApprentice Stage Manager
Venetia LawlessSet Design
Lindsay LavioletteSet Design
John SolmanLighting Design
Lindsay LavioletteSound Design
Jeanne GauthierCostume Design
Jeanne GauthierProperties Design
Andrée BensonHair and Makeup Design
Venetia LawlessSet Dressing
Lindsay LavioletteSet Dressing
Leslie-Ann (Lay) MacKayBook (Prompter)
Don DouglasLighting Crew
Bryan MorrisLighting Crew
Barry SimsLighting Crew
Luc ChartrandLighting Crew
Patrice ArrudaLighting Crew
Jeremie JavoskySound Crew
Jacky DuongSound Crew
Patrice ArrudaSound Crew
Barbara MerriamProperties Crew
Jim JilesenProperties Crew
Caroline BieberProperties Crew
Lucille Le VertProperties Crew
Jeremie JavoskyProperties Crew
Chelsey PrinceProperties Crew
Phoenix BakerProperties Crew
Sylvie Roy-HotteProperties Crew
Patrick McDaidProperties Crew
Owen DelageProperties Crew
Phoenix BakerWardrobe Assistant
Victoria WindremWardrobe Assistant
Sylvie Roy-HotteWardrobe Assistant
Larry DaviesFly Operator (Pinrail)
Leslie-Ann (Lay) MacKayFly Operator (Pinrail)
Luc ChartrandFly Operator (Pinrail)
Andrea SegalFly Operator (Pinrail)
Matthew RamsdenFly Operator (Pinrail)
Hugh VoogtFly Operator (Pinrail)
Ian ScottFly Operator (Pinrail)
Tom PidgeonSet Construction Crew
David MagladrySet Construction Crew
Paul WasherSet Construction Crew
Carolyn BorerScenic Artist
Janet UrenVolunteer Liaison
Kevin SchneiderFront of House Coordinator
Christian GiansanteMedia Relations
Ian GilliesVideo Promotional Trailer
Maria VartanovaPhotography