/** * User: hix * Date: 17-Feb-2025 * To provide single source of application title */ Ottawa Little Theatre - Production History

Romantic Comedy
Bernard Slade

Season 111
Sep 25 to Oct 12, 2024

Click thumbnail image to view gallery of production photos by Maria Vartanova
Felipe MouraJason Carmichael
Janet Banigan (Murray)Blanche Dailey
Karine CharlandPhoebe Craddock
Olivia Lee BrownAllison St. James
Brian DerbyLeo Janowitz
Shae JalavaKate Mallory

Production Team
Brian CanoDirector
Marlene SpatukAssistant to the Director
Tammy DoyleAssistant to the Director
Cynthia SugarsStage Manager
Sally McIntyreSet Design
Claude LarocheLighting Design
Bradford (Brad) MacKinlaySound Design
Bradford (Brad) MacKinlayVideo and Projections
Lindsey McGowanProjection Consultant
Glynis EllensCostume Design
Nancy HoganWardrobe Mistress
Paul WasherProperties Design
Andrée BensonHair and Makeup Design
Liza WestwoodSet Dressing
Denise ShannonSet Dressing
Paul WasherStage Crew Chief
Caroline HeatonBook (Prompter)
Brenna WehrleBook (Prompter)
Bryan MorrisLighting Crew
Saeid KholghiLighting Crew
Roxanne BoucherLighting Crew
Ian SnelsonSound Crew
Barry SimsSound Crew
Luc ChartrandSound Crew
Brian ColemanSound Crew
Narges BagheriSound Crew
Michael (Mike) KellyProperties Crew
Brenna WehrleProperties Crew
Augustin Kovacic-RossouwProperties Crew
Michael (Mike) KellyStage Crew
Brenna WehrleStage Crew
Augustin Kovacic-RossouwStage Crew
Marisa HamburgWardrobe Assistant
Erin TonitaWardrobe Assistant
Tiara WallaceHair and Makeup Crew
Linda WebsterHair and Makeup Crew
Jocelyn DengHair and Makeup Crew
Emma FazakasHair and Makeup Crew
Maella MatamHair and Makeup Crew
Rebecca IrvingHair and Makeup Crew
Rae DalrympleHair and Makeup Crew
Tom PidgeonSet Construction Crew
David MagladrySet Construction Crew
Paul WasherSet Construction Crew
Cameron HendersonSet Construction Crew
Carolyn BorerScenic Artist
Nick PhilippeScenic Artist
Lucrezia Suppa-HnetkaHospitality
Michael HnetkaHospitality
Jane MorrisVolunteer Liaison
Kevin SchneiderFront of House Coordinator
Linda BouzanisPoster
Marlene SpatukMedia Relations
Ian GilliesVideo Promotional Trailer
Maria VartanovaPhotography