The Sound of Murder
William Fairchild

Season 52
Dec 11 to Dec 20, 1964

Leonard (Len) HoltCharles Norbury
Pat GoodineAnne Norbury
Donald CarterPeter Marriott
Beatrice (Bea) BraceMiss Forbes
Maurice BerlynInspector Davidson
Johni KeyworthPolice Constable Nash

Production Team
Cara (Mrs. Neil) MalcolmDirector
James (Jim, J.A.B.) StevensonAssistant to the Director
William (Bill) Adkins, C.M.Stage Manager
George L. PalmerSet Design
George L. PalmerLighting Design
John MutzeneekSound Design
Wilda StevensonCostume Design
Patricia (Pat) HoltProperties Design
Barbara Meiklejohn (Eason)Makeup
Jane McKeagueBook (Prompter)
Kenneth (Ken) McGillLighting Crew
Thomas (Tom) BroughtonLighting Crew
Richard JohnsonSound Crew
Elizabeth (Liz) Conlon (Oliver)Properties Crew
Barbara BerlynWardrobe Assistant
Peggy OlsenWardrobe Assistant
Marina KouriWardrobe Assistant
John MutzeneekSpecial Effects