FOLKS – so, “best laid plans of mice and men …” eh?

Once again, it seems like the virus is winning and we are having to “pivot” our plans. As I’m sure you all know, just as we were quietly (sigh) ringing-in in the New Year, the Omicron variant was escalating, and Health Authorities have in turn escalated restrictions.

Since the onset of the pandemic almost 2 full years ago, we have responded with an abundance of caution to all announcements about what theatres could do – the risk to the health and safety of audiences, cast and crews being foremost in our minds.

So at this point, regretfully, we really have no choice but to delay the February 23rd opening of the 2022 season (including the promised four postponed shows from 2020).

Our thinking: by the end of this month we will have more clarity about the consequences of the Omicron variant on theatre capacities; and we may (with fingers and toes crossed) be able to open at the of March. More on that in the weeks to come!

Regarding our subscription renewal process:

  • all subscribers and ticketed seats are still reserved
  • the deadline is extended until the 24th of January for the purchase of the full 9 show season.

So, that is about it – the extent of what we can say at the moment – except to thank you all for your continued support. Please be patient with us, we’ll communicate with all of you as circumstances evolve. As was said so many times over the past couple of years, you are valued members of our theatre community and we greatly appreciate your continued loyalty and support.

Oh yes, and before I forget, despite the unfortunate challenges so early in the year, we wish you all an amazingly memorable 2022!

We can only hope to see you all in your seats for our next opening night very soon, and please stay safe!

Warm regards,


P.S. Please note the Ottawa Little Theatre will proceed with safety measures in place, following Public Health guidelines. This means that the Ottawa Little Theatre will restrict all visitors, patrons, volunteers (including on stage and backstage), and staff to those proven fully vaccinated.