A graduate mechanical engineer, military pilot, retired air force officer, and public servant, Peter Harle has had a wide variety of prestigious careers from which he has developed many of his natural talents, broad knowledge and eclectic interests. We are pleased to showcase his artistic abilities during the Spotlight Exhibit during Guess Who’s Coming To Dinner.

Peter has been attending OLT productions for the past 20 years along with his wife Pamela Harle who, not only has been a patron of the OLT for almost 60 years, but has also acted in some of our productions.

Venetia Lawless approached him in the Green Room after one of the OLT performances and not only did he gladly agree to showcase his work but said that “All proceeds will be DONATED TO THE OTTAWA LITTLE THEATRE for its continued support for the arts!“

I recently interviewed him and was very impressed with his accomplishments both on the canvas and off. He states, tongue in cheek, that his interest in art began early in life in Calgary during the Second World War. “I am told that I discovered painting when I came across a nearly empty can of blue paint and a brush and proceeded to dabble in art on our landlord’s fence. Surprisingly, the subsequent spanking did not deter my interest in art”.

Peter Harle

He did not formally study art but attended Saturday morning classes for children at Ottawa’s Victoria Memorial Museum and later was tutored by a neighbour in Trenton who had herself formerly studied under one of Canada’s very own Group of Seven members, A.Y. Jackson.

From his earliest works more than 60 years ago, he sought a high degree of realism. He has lived in Belgium and travelled to more than 60 countries which has influenced many of his works. Later he discovered that a camera is a more efficient way of achieving realism. More recently he is striving more to arouse emotions and is dabbling in more abstract subjects.

Among his favourite works are his Sentinel Series of 12 painting representing the 12 provinces and territories each having an iconic image representing the uniqueness of the region. Examples include an Indian Village with Totem Poles along the Pacific Coast, a bright orange grain elevator (Saskatchewan), majestic mountains merging into the St Lawrence (Quebec Charlevoix area), Hopewell Rocks (New Brunswick), and a motor home travelling along a lonely stretch of the Yukon Highway.

His exhibit will be showcasing 4 themes these being: Scenic Canada, Fire and Ice (a commentary on global warming), Flemish Style and Going Abstract.

He is someone who loves life and all that it has to offer whether it is attending the theatre with Pam, globe trotting, enjoying nature by cycling and skiing with good friends, and of course painting. Typically each piece takes about 30 hours to complete. But one work depicting a prairie panorama viewed through a rustic window took over 90 hours.

His art is seldom on display. However, he has sold many of his paintings and several have been donated to charities, among which OLT is honoured to be among. From the bottom of our heart we want to thank Peter for his talents and his generosity.

Please join us for a vernissage and to meet Peter and his co-exhibitor Gerry Larocque, on Sunday February 23rd, following the matinee performance of Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner
